Hello MoG Network players!


As you know, our LifeSteal Season 2 was enjoying tremendous success, but it faced some setbacks due to internal mistakes and exploits. Now, we're thrilled to announce the return of LifeSteal 2 RELOADED with exciting new features:


1.  Every custom armor or tool can be earned through killing mobs.

2.  Introduction of the Heart Crate (Epic Crate removed).

3.  New cosmetics area.

4.  New bosses, and an exciting addition – the Bounty feature.

5.  Pet system.

6.  Significant drop in the price of Superior Crate coins.


 Rules :


  • Scamming Prevention
    The server holds no responsibility for any losses resulting from scams. To ensure a secure and fair gaming environment, we strongly encourage players to utilize the /trade command for all in-game transactions. This not only protects you from potential scams but also fosters a trustworthy and cooperative community where everyone can enjoy the game without concerns about fraudulent activities. Your cooperation in maintaining a scam-free environment is greatly appreciated.
  • Heart Farming Prohibition
    Heart farming is strictly prohibited on our server. Heart farming encompasses a range of actions that are considered unfair and disruptive to the gameplay experience. This includes practices such as repeatedly targeting and killing the same player, using alternate accounts to gain hearts unfairly, or engaging in systematic abuse to artificially inflate heart counts. Violators of this rule will face serious consequences to maintain the integrity of the game.
  • Duping and Exploitation Prohibition
    Duplication of coins or items and any form of game exploitation is strictly prohibited on our server. This includes practices such as duplicating in-game currency or items through glitches or unauthorized methods. Violators of this rule will face severe consequences, including a complete inventory wipe, stats reset, and a 30-day ban from the server.
  • Inappropriate Naming
    Inappropriate names for armor, weapons, tools, or nametags assigned to mobs are strictly prohibited on our server. Such names can disrupt the gaming experience and create an unwelcome atmosphere. Players are expected to choose names that adhere to community standards and promote a positive and respectful gaming environment. Violation of this rule may result in temporary bans or other appropriate sanctions. Let's work together to maintain a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere for all players.
  • LifeSteal Items Disclaimers
    Soulbound works when you die or disconnect during combat, helping you save your items. Please note that it won't save your items if you disconnect while in combat and rejoin the server after a long time. Soulbound saves a cache of your inventory for a few minutes, so you need to rejoin promptly to secure your items. If you combat log and join after the server restart you wont receive your soulbound items
  • Unfair Mods / Cheats
    It is crucial to refrain from using any form of cheats or mods like "crystal optimiser, freecam, elytra swapper, player health indicator, tweakeroo, etc. Let's keep the competition clean and  honor the spirit of fair play. If you encounter a hacker and are aware of their use of hacks, please report them immediately. Failure to report and playing alongside a hacker may result in consequences for your own account  as well.

Anticheat Disclaimer : Please note that any losses incurred as a result of actions taken by our Anticheat system are not the responsibility of the server. While our Anticheat system is in place to maintain fair play, it may occasionally trigger false positives. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter as we work to provide a secure and enjoyable gaming environment for all players.



Breaking rules may lead to temporary or permanent bans, warnings, or other consequences based on severity and frequency.


Stay tuned for more updates!
Click here to watch Live Event on our Discord Server


Kind Regards
MoG Network